Fall 2017 Newsletter

Fall is here! Are you prepared?

Summertime ... and the bikin' is easy." Now what? With a little preparation, the rainy days need not put a damper on your two-wheeled commute and errands. With a good rain jacket, rain pants, and fenders, you can keep rolling like it's 1968. Good bike lights and waterproof panniers are also a must-have for wet weather. You might also want to give your bike a tune-up, and adapt your riding style a bit - roads can be slippery, and cars won't see you as well. We turn to the rain experts for more detailed advice: check out this blog post from Portland. Or for some inspiration, check out this video of rainy day bike traffic in the Netherlands.

Anderson Road Project

The City of Davis is planning a major remodel on Anderson Road, from Russell to Covell, with the goal of making the street more friendly to all modes of transportation, including bikes. Two community workshops have been held so far and three types of "street treatments" have been selected. The City will continue to look for community feedback. Mark your agenda for the 3rd community workshop on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 in the evening. Stay tuned for details.

Become a bike Ambassador

We are recruiting volunteers to serve as bicycle Ambassadors for Bike Davis. Ambassadors will serve as local resources and agents of change for bicycle safety education and advocacy. They may help organize group rides, safety trainings, and will help empower bicyclists to seek improvements in biking infrastructure.

Sacramento Commute News

The City of Davis has filed a protest over Union Pacific’s application to close, alter, or relocate the rail crossing on County Road 32A, the frontage road along the north side of I-80 east of Mace Blvd. (See article in Davis Enterprise for more details.) Bike Davis is hoping that the proceeding at the California Public Utilities Commission will result in a separated bike path from the crossing to the levee. This road is a key bicycling route between Davis and Sacramento.

The “Bak2Sac” program runs until December 31, 2017. If you have friends, family, or coworkers who live in Sacramento, encourage them to take advantage of the program and receive a free train trip home in exchange for not bringing a car to Davis.
Bike Davis is in the process of renewing the program for 2018


Those crunchy leaves...

Are green piles blocking your favorite bike lanes? There is an app for that! And a website, too.
Bike lane obstructions aren't only unsafe, they are illegal per City of Davis regulations, and you can report them to the City via your phone or computer. Here are links for the app: