New Intersection Designs in Davis

In recent years, the City of Davis has begun to build “protected intersections” aimed to enhance safety for bicyclists and pedestrians. These new designs are alterations of existing intersections following the Dutch model where bicycle travel is on bikeways separate from the street. Bike Davis was not involved in the design of these projects.

Of current concern (June 2019) is the intersection of L Street and Covell Boulevard.

Bike Davis also wrote a critical evaluation of the nearby J Street and Covell intersection, the first so-called “Dutch intersection” in Davis, constructed adjacent to the new Cannery neighborhood in 2015.

The problems with each of these intersections are different, but related in terms of satisfying multiple design goals.


In southeast Davis, a reconfiguration of the Mace and Cowell intersection was completed in Spring of 2019, part of the Mace Blvd. redesign which is described in an article in Streetsblog.