City considering changes to greenwaste debris piles

The city is considering modifications to the “green piles” program (also called “loose in the streets collection”). You know, the piles of leaves and branches that too often obstruct bike lanes, forcing cyclists to merge with traffic, and generally discouraging bicycling. (We recently wrote an op-ed in the Enterprise about this). Public Works is requesting input from the community.

How do YOU feel about green piles as a bicyclist? Send your feedback to Public Works to share your thoughts, and ask them to consider the safety and comfort of bicyclists in their decision. You can use this sample email to Feel free to also copy to keep us in the loop.

All feedback received will be presented at the next City Council meeting on February 5. Save the date if you’d like to provide public comments that night.


Mourning our loss

We are heartbroken by the senseless violence that took Officer Natalie Corona’s life on Thursday night. It is with great grief that we lose a part of our community. Our hearts go out to her family and friends, and her colleagues in the Davis Police Department.